Meet Geoffrey Tumlin

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You can find my formal bio here.

Here’s the informal one: I was born and raised in Texas and I’ve lived in New York, Georgia, and Hawaii. I have a smart sister who’s an immigration attorney in LA and I am married to a smart woman who loves dogs, businesses, and, fortunately, me. I follow a no-sugar diet, I make smoothies that look like baby food, and I meditate for at least three minutes every day (hey…I said at least).

Most of my career decisions spring from a singular motivation: People fascinate me.

  • I went to West Point because a General told me that’s how you get to work with people (seriously).
  • I got a Ph.D. in Communication from UT Austin because that’s where the classes about people were.
  • I started my first consulting company before I finished my doctorate because consulting let me rub shoulders with interesting people outside of the university.
  • I wrote Stop Talking, Start Communicating out of the concern that our increasingly expedient communication methods were straining our relationships with the most important people in our lives.

I do my communication consulting through Mouthpeace Consulting LLC and my leadership consulting through On-Demand Leadership. I also founded and currently serve as board chair of Critical Skills Nonprofit, a public charity that provides communication and leadership skills training to profoundly underserved populations.